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Drumify helps you create beats from sounds in your environment

Record your own percussion sounds

A dog bark, the honk of a car horn, the hiss of an opened soda can - Drumify allows you to save any random sound you come across to your phone. After recording the sound, Drumify will analyze the frequency content of the audio, and recommend one of three drum categories to sort the sounds. Drumify will also automatically process the audio and isolate the transient of the recorded sound, so that unwanted noise and silence are not present in your drum beat. The recorded sounds can be played back in the Recordings page shown on the right.

recorder drumify

Design your beat

Once you have enough recorded sounds, you are ready to design a drum beat. The beat design page is made up of two composite views which can easily be moved between by swiping the lane bar on the edge of the page, as shown in the gif below. The left page is the Sound-Picker View, where the sounds previously recorded can be placed into the colored lane slots on the right side. After the sounds are chosen, you can move to the Sequencer View on the right, where the time pattern in which the sounds are triggered can be programmed. By hitting play at the bottom of the screen, the sounds in the colored lanes will be triggered according to the pattern chosen, and you will have created your drum beat.

recorder drumify

Save your music

When you are done designing your beat, you can name it and save it to your phone. All the beats you have created will be visible in the Beat View Page, and you can click on a beat to listen or edit it further. From this page you can also export the beat to an mp3 or wav file so that it can be loaded into a DAW on your computer.

How was it built?

Drumify was developed by Jackson Kurtz and Vernon Chan using the Swift programming language. The majority of the audio related features in the application were created through a Swift library called AudioKit. Though there are many features we are planning to add to Drumify, the app is nearing a stable release and will soon be ready to publish to the app store.